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The Financial Times embedded in your workflow: the FT app for Microsoft Teams

FT Professional has developed and launched an application for Microsoft Teams that enables users to more closely embed the content that matters most to them, in their workflow. The app allows relevant FT stories to be surfaced, saved and shared without leaving the Teams environment.

Why has the FT built an app for Microsoft Teams?

The shift towards remote working and the widespread use of online collaboration tools, accelerated by the pandemic, has changed the way that people consume information and communicate while working or studying. Feedback from the FT’s corporate, government and education subscribers indicated that people were spending more time on digital communication platforms, and many were using Microsoft Teams.

We hear from subscribers all the time that information overload is an issue, and while email newsletters are a great way of getting relevant, timely updates, there was an obvious opportunity to improve how FT readers find and share content. Surfacing stories on the topics and issues that readers are following, on a platform they’re already working in, makes staying informed throughout the day a far more manageable task.

We are committed to making our content as useful as possible to our corporate, government and education customers. We are proud of this exciting initiative and will continue to listen and learn how to help our customers get as much value as possible from their investment in the FT.

Nick Fallon, Managing Director, FT Professional

So what does the app do?

The FT app for Microsoft Teams embeds the user’s myFT digest directly into Teams. It then provides up-to-date headlines throughout the day on those chosen myFT topics without having to check directly. Additionally the app allows for filtering of topics, simplified sharing with colleagues and classmates, as well as the creation of reading lists.

The app has five core functions/features:

  • Manage topics - choose which of the topics you follow in myFT you’d like to get live updates on within Microsoft Teams.
  • View your myFT digest - a tailored view of the FT stories that matter to you most.
  • Share articles - copy an article link and share it to start a discussion.
  • Create a reading list - save stories to your Microsoft Teams reading list to make them easier to return to.
  • Access saved articles - see the last 20 articles you’ve saved on or in the FT mobile app.

How can I access the app and do I need to pay for it?

The app is completely free to download from the Microsoft Teams store. Existing subscribers are able to log in and sync their account with the app, and non-subscribers are given the option once the app has been downloaded to create a free account. Once registered for a free account, those users can enjoy the same core features of the app, and also read up to 3 full FT articles each month.

Anyone with system admin permissions for their Microsoft Teams environment can also roll out the app to all of their Teams users. For guidance on how to do this please contact and one the team will be in touch to walk you through the next steps.

I’ve downloaded the app, how can I start getting the most out of it?

The user guide (downloadable here) offers a more detailed overview of the app’s key functions and is a great place to get started. The most advanced users of the app, and those really benefitting from its ability to highlight important articles without leaving Microsoft Teams, are customising their account to follow topics, industries, companies and even people who are most relevant to their interests. These are set up using the myFT feature, where clicking the ‘Add to myFT’ button next to topics on articles then adds those to your daily digest, which subsequently syncs with the Teams app.

Following the launch of the FT on Microsoft Teams, users can now access the stories that matter to them most in more ways than ever, and importantly through the mediums that best suit how they like to work.

Download the app here and visit if you’d like to learn more.

Learn more about FT Professional

FT Professional equips users with specialist knowledge and tailored insights from the Financial Times to help them make the best strategic and commercial decisions in an unpredictable global environment. Our customers get more from FT journalism through additional resources, curated news and action-oriented tools.

Help your team make better business decisions with the FT’s trusted commentary and analysis. For more information about how FT Professional can help your organisation, please get in touch.

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